Girls Programme
As an extension of the Urunji child sponsorship initiative, the girls programme empowers girls with education and technical skills to create self-employment opportunities, given the fact that the job market in Malawi is small and unpredictable.
We sponsor an average of 20 girls at a time, providing for their basic needs like school resources, clothing, school fees and mentorship to ensure they succeed.

Early childhood development
We employ a holistic approach o early childhood development. This includes:
Play therapy for children who have experienced emotional trauma due to adverse childhood experiences.
Group dynamics training and environmental awareness.
Early stimulation and preparation for primary school.
Nutrition programmes at the ECD centre.
Basic and refresher training of ECD personnel.

Child sponsorship
We connect children to sponsors who make a monthly contribution of only $50 towards their well-being.
Urunji channels 90% of this money to the sponsored child and only $5 is spent on administration, transportation and communication pertaining to the sponsored child.
There are no contracts and you can cancel sponsorship at any time.

Peer Educators Training
We facilitate peer training for secondary school level girls. These trainers are honed with knowledge on HIV and STI prevention, goal setting and assertiveness. They then transfer the knowledge to their peers from the communities they live.
This has proven to be an effective strategy as the peer learners easily identify with their trainers.

Solar lighting systems for sponsored girls
There are no community libraries where girls can study. This poses a problem: they lag behind their classwork and often struggle with their studies as they are often busy during the day with house-hold chores.
To address this problem, Urunji provides portable solar lighting units mostly to our sponsored girls. This enables them to study before bed time with less distractions.
We have now started providing Biolite Systems and have discontinued the single light systems as shown in the picture. Please consider donating a Biolite system for a sponsored girl. The current market price is USD $200

Children’s Christmas Party
Every year, we throw a party for children in one of the communities where we work. This is often the only opportunity a child gets to celebrate Christmas and to receive a present.
It all started with Nicole, a young lady from Cape Town who asked her friends to donate to Urunji instead of giving her a birthday present (her birthday falls on Christmas day).
Since then, it has been a tradition at Urunji. This year, you can sponsor a Christmas party for children. Please consider making a donation.

School supplies for rural children
Urunji provides school supplies including shoes, backpacks, notebooks and others to rural and other vulnerable children.
We inspire and encourage them to receive basic education, thereby reducing illiteracy, fertility rates and building a generation that can participate in a functional democracy.