We are the Community…

We support community-driven change by identifying pathways that enable them to come out of extreme poverty.  We strive to give the marginalised the unprecedented opportunity to realise their potential. This includes skills development, social enterprises, and skills sharing


(Sustainable Development Goal 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15)

Vocational skills

With in-kind support from our partners among them Trade Aid and the Rotary Club of Grantham Kesteven, we provide vocational skills training to women and marginalised groups such as those with physical challenges. 

This includes carpentry, tailoring and fashion design, bricklaying and other trades.

Carpentry training lilongwe
Care-giver training Urunji

Care Giver Training

We provide training and kits for caregivers to ensure that they provide the best home-based care to their sick relatives while reducing the risk of infection. 

With support from World Vision Malawi and other partners, we have trained over 150 caregivers to date.

Social entrepreneurship

Urunji provides small-scale business training to women’s groups and provides start-up capital as well as technical support. This provides an unprecedented opportunity to women to alleviate house-hold poverty.

By creating inclusive economies, we help cement the change that is both sustainable and desirable. We provide:

* Training on running small-scale businesses.

* Seed capital and mentorship.

* A networking opportunity for the beneficiaries to learn from fellow small-scale business persons.

* Passbooks to VSLA groups to record savings and other individual financial transactions.

Small-scale business training Urunji

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

We provide boreholes as well as repair broken ones to ensure communities have portable water.  You can view the locations (on Google Maps) where we have either planted a borehole or repaired one on this link.

Governance and Civic Participation


We link communities with experts in governance and democracy to enhance civic participation and thereby ensuring that leaders are accountable. 

governance and civic participation
Regenerative agriculture Malawi

Regenerative agriculture

We are exploring a funding opportunity to source soil testing kits.

The goal is to ensure that farmers don’t just fertilize their crops but can test the soil and thereby only apply fertilizers that suit their soil needs. We will sell those test results to farmers in rural Malawi to ensure sustainability.

This programme’s goals are:

* Improvement of soil health using locally available resources

* Reduction of soil erosion

* Maximising yield per unit area

* Reduction of pollution and reliance on pesticides.

Volunteer with Urunji